Welcome to Slavonia and the Croatian Danube Region – a region of premium wines!

Slavonia and the Croatian Danube Region have a millennium-old tradition of wine production. The oldest traces of wine enjoyment in the area of the former southern Pannonia can be traced back to the Early Iron Age, between the beginning of the 8th and the end of the 5th century BC. The cultivation of grapevines and wine production began during the Late Iron Age (end of the 4th – end of the 1st century BC).

By the time the Romans conquered this area, there was already a tradition of viticulture and wine production, which they further developed. Wine production continued even after the fall of the Western Roman Empire, throughout the Middle Ages. The cultivation of grapevines gained new impetus with the arrival of French monks, Cistercians, whom the Hungarian-Croatian King Bela IV settled. The wine produced in the Middle Ages was the most famous and highly esteemed wine of the continental parts of the Hungarian-Croatian Kingdom.

The modernization of grapevine cultivation, along with the application of leading scientific and technical achievements in wine production, as well as numerous promotional activities, contributed to the further affirmation of wines from the region on European markets during the 19th century. Through family and business connections, Eastern Croatia, particularly the nobility, became linked to advanced wine-growing regions in Europe (Odescalchi, Eltz, Turković, Schaumburg-Lippe, Pejačević, Adamović, Mihalović, etc.).

Today, the region of Slavonia and the Croatian Danube Region is home to more than 350 wineries and 5,800 hectares of vineyards that produce over 30 million liters of wine annually, making us the largest wine producers in Croatia.

The wines that are produced here, such as the royal Traminac, are among the best in the world, and the true queen of the Slavonia and Croatian Danube Region is Graševina, planted on 4,300 hectares.

January 16, 2023

Slavonija i Podravina wine not?!

Today, on the first day of autumn, on the International Day of the Drava River, in the garden of the Drava Story Visitor Center, the story of Graševina, the third part of the event "Slavonia and Podravina wine not?!", which reveals the rich world of the wines of the Virovitica-Podravina County, was told When two such stories intertwine, a real magic is created that connects them with beauty, tradition, beautiful landscapes and love for nature and the homeland. Text transferred from the portal Public institution for the management of protected areas of nature and the ecological network of the Virovitica-Podravine County https://virovitica-nature.hr/2022/09/23/prica-o-grasevini-u-posjetiteljskom-centru-dravska-prica/

January 16, 2023

Graševina – the most important wine variety in Croatia

One of the main goals of this project is positioning Graševina as a leading variety in the Republic of Croatia. That title rightfully belongs to it considering that 25 percent of the total area under vineyards is under this variety. 40 percent of the wine put on the market is Graševina. In addition, Graševina is the most flexible variety, with a wide variety of flavors. It is represented in practically all categories of wine, emphasized Darja Sokolić, director of HAPIH. We have a wonderful variety, we have knowledge, we have exceptional results, we have a profession that supports us, as do many institutions. In the end, we have to trust ourselves the most and in the end invest a lot of money and time, and ourselves, so that education and sales give results, and with better positioning w...

January 16, 2023

Whose “queen of vineyards” is Graševina?

No one knows for sure where the first plant of the variety we called graševina sprouted, but everyone agrees that it gives the best results in Slavonia and the Croatian Danube region, and, says Professor Maletić, it will be the queen of vineyards until further notice. Professor Edi Maletić is one of the best oenologists in the country. At the end of the day, he says, the consumer doesn't care so much whose genes are from where the best wines are. What he is interested in and we can tell him is that the best wines in Croatia are from the Graševina variety. Text transferred from the portal Julio Frangen Foto https://juliofrangenfoto.com/2022/09/19/cija-je-kraljica-vinograda-grasevina/

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    2025 | Graševina Croatica
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